The Link Between Heart Health and a Healthy Mouth

Gum Inflammation is the key according to The American Academy of Periodontology and The American Journal of Cardiology.

The mouth is the gateway to the body and the more we learn about the mouth, the more we understand about how our oral health habits impact much more than just our teeth. 

The American Journal of Cardiology and The American Academy of Periodontology

According to The American Academy of Periodontology and The American Journal of Cardiology, that same sticky bacterial plaque that builds up on teeth and causes gum inflammation (gingivitis) and bone loss (periodontal disease) could also impact your heart health. Your mouth is full of bacteria, which can travel into the bloodstream leading to other issues including heart disease.

When thinking about the link between heart heath and oral health, here are some statistics to consider:

The link between gum disease and heart disease

  • Over half of U.S. adults age 30 and older have some form of gum disease.
  • 70% of adults age 65 and older have gum disease.
  • Men are at greater risk. Nearly 54.5% of men suffer from the disease while women fall victim 38.5% of the time.
  • Smoking increases your gum disease risk rate to over 64%.
  • Gum disease increases your risk of heart attack by 50%.
  • Hear disease is the number one killer of men and women, claiming nearly 610,00 lives each year. 

Ellis Dental takes this link between heart health and gum health very seriously. We care about our patients overall health and we believe that prevention is the best approach. Here in our office, we perform these key services focused on preventive care related to heart health:

  • A thorough review of your health history and health education.
  • Free blood pressure screening.
  • Preventive dental health education.

So as a patient, what can you do? 

Some steps to help improve your oral and heart health

  1. Brush your teeth with an American Dental Association (ADA) accepted fluoride toothpaste twice a day for two minutes.
  2. Clean between your teeth with floss and another interdental cleaners.
  3. Visit Dr. Ellis and her team at least twice a year for examinations and professional cleanings.
  4. Eat a balanced diet low in salt and saturated fats, and limit sugary snacks.
  5. Quit any Tobacco habit!
  6. Develop a regular exercise routine.
  7. Have your blood pressured screened regularly.
  8. Ask about our sleep apnea screening that we will soon be offering at Ellis Dental