10 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Toothbrush

We know and love our toothbrushes as the tools that kick plaque to the curb, help keep cavities at bay (with the help of fluoride toothpaste, of course) and freshen our breath. But what else can we learn about them? Read on for some toothbrush facts.

  1. When selecting your toothbrush, look for the ADA Seal. 
  2. The toothbrush is 5,000 years old. 
  3. The first mass-produced toothbrush was invented in prison. 
  4. Manual or powered? Your teeth don’t care.
  5. There is no “correct” order for brushing and flossing.
  6.  Toothbrushes like to be left out in the open.
  7. Lifespan = 3-4 Months
  8. When it comes to choosing a brush, go soft.
  9. Remember: 2 minutes, 2 times a day.
  10. Sharing is caring, but not for toothbrushes

Learn more at MouthHealthy.org